Sabato 27 Luglio 2024 Home 
Latest news on Nicky Hayden [18-05-17 17:34 by staff] 

The Red Bull Honda World Superbike Team would like to share the latest news on Nicky Hayden.

As well as having his fiancé Jackie by his side, Nicky has now been joined by his brother Tommy and mother Rose who arrived in Italy from the United States earlier today.

Below is a statement on Nicky’s condition from the Maurizio Bufalini Hospital in Cesena, Italy.

“Nicky Hayden’s clinical condition remains extremely critical.

The young man, who is still in the intensive care unit of Cesena’s Bufalini hospital, has suffered a serious polytrauma with subsequent serious cerebral damage.

The prognosis remains reserved.”

::Red Bull Honda World Superbike Team - Press Release::

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Nota ufficiale del Team su Nicky Hayden
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Today Nicky Hayden passed away