Sabato 27 Luglio 2024 Home 
Mads Pedersen will show his rainbow jersey [01-10-19 13:52 by staff] 

Mads Pedersen will show his rainbow jersey in Belgium and Italy

After winning the World Title in Harrogate, last Sunday, Mads Pedersen is looking forward to show his rainbow jersey in 3 more races over the following week, before he ends his season.

On Saturday, October 5, he will line up at Tour de l'Eurométropole, a race he won last year, under pouring rain, just like in Harrogate last Sunday.

He will then travel to Italy, to compete in Tre Valli Varesine on Tuesday, October 8 and Milano-Torino on Wednesday, October 9, before returning home for a much deserved rest.

Pedersen: "I still can't believe I really did it! For sure, it will be very special to line up for the very first time in my rainbow jersey and I am happy I get to show it still, before I end my season."

::Trek-Segafredo - Press Release::

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Notizia precedente
Pedersen wins the World Championships
Notizia successiva
Mads Pedersen alla Tre Valli Varesine